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Seduction Tips

June 10, 2008

Learning how to utilize your best features (even if you think you have none) is essential to successful seductions.  Whether it be your great attitude, full head of hair, or winning smile – whatever it is, you need to learn to work with what you got and capitalize on it free hypnotic seduction!

Think about what women have previously liked about you, or commented positively on; not all women find the same features attractive, so you really need to focus on more than one. Choose something about your face to start with, this is the portal for all of your emotions and what she sees there can ultimately mean the difference between success and failure.

Once you’ve determined what assets you have to work with, it’s time to put them to use.  Take every advantage you can get to communicate your interest and desire and get a woman’s attraction to you going.  Smile at her, make strong eye contact, run your hands through your hair, make a fun joke – do whatever you have to do to bring your best, most seductive, qualities to the forefront seduction of woman.

And while you’re doing this, don’t forget about the romance you’re trying to create!  Men tend to ignore romantic gestures, but women place a lot of importance on them.

What all women do appreciate though is the odd gesture that shows you care or find her attractive. This doesn’t need to be an extravagant gift; it could be something as simple. Wrack your brains for something original, that you think she’d really like – a line of poetry snuck into her handbag, a small book or CD/DVD on a topic you’ve both talked about together so she remembers you, just something small but memorable.